Startup idea #1: Donatemate
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Startup Idea №1: Donatemate
We provide an API for charitable funds that helps homeless animals and links them to consumer applications such as taxi platforms and marketplaces. This allows consumer apps to activate a subscription-based model for mass users all over the world.
Problem: Donating to charity funds helping homeless animals can be a cumbersome process, as individuals face difficulties in finding the right charities, their wallets, and ways to donate. Charity funds themselves may struggle with limited technological competencies, a lack of network, and difficulties in adding channels, making it challenging to reach out to users of consumer apps.
Opportunity: Consumer apps like marketplaces, taxi services, and education platforms count for millions of users who would be willing to help charities. By offering convenient and seamless donations, consumer apps can differentiate themselves and provide added value to their users, without the need for significant resources or a change in core competencies.
Solution: Our platform connects charity funds and consumer app providers using our API. End-users of these consumer apps can subscribe to donations on their lifestyle and daily use services, making it easy for them to donate to charity funds whenever they use the service.
Convenient and seamless donations for users of consumer applications
Potential for consumer apps to differentiate themselves by offering charitable options to their users
Ready-made and convenient solution for charitable funds to increase their communication and fund collection channels
Charity fund journey: Register to the platform, add wallets, choose consumer platforms, and activate the collection mode.
Consumer platform journey: Choose a charity fund and integrate our ready-made API, which adds a "charity toggle" to the platform.
End-user journey: Every time a user orders a taxi or food, they can activate the charity toggle and support charity funds without any additional effort.
Do you find this idea exciting and appealing? How would you improve it? Share it with your community if you feel like you want to tackle this problem.
Great start! Way to go
So awesome